Reading George's books always puts me in the frame of mind to want to write and write and write. I say he's my favorite author of all time - not only because I enjoy the story he's created, but because he is a fantastic writer. He has a wonderful sense of words and character voices and he knows how to make a huge emotional impact on his readers without clobbering them over the head every other chapter. And he's unapologetic about his process. It took him almost six years to finish this book. And I don't begrudge him a single one of those days. How long have I been nominally working on Face the Flames now? Ten years? More? People in my life are forever urging me to finish. Telling me to just go on and find a publisher. Become famous. Retire young.
What do they know.
Writing is ridiculous. Taking it from a logical viewpoint, I don't understand why any of us chooses to do it. Taking it from my own viewpoint (often far from logical, I admit), I can't understand how any of us can ever stop. Or choose not to. Or quit.
Inspiration picture for Ariana, a very troublesome character indeed. |
Another inspiration picture for Ariana. |
But George has inspired me. He finished his behemoth. (Kong, he called it.) And it's brilliant. More than worth the wait. So I'm going to be like him. Close my ears to my friends and family (I love you all and I appreciate the support, but sometimes it's all too much), and just write it the way I need to write.
Perhaps then it will be brilliant.