Tuesday, August 30, 2011

In better news...

I decided to finally clean out my office. When I found this apartment on Craiglist, it was listed as a one bedroom. I was pleased and surprised to find out that there was a second almost-bedroom (only almost because the doors have glass panes in them from top to bottom. Back when I had just moved in, this is what that room looked like.

And then the boy moved in with me - and because we didn't have the wherewithal at the time to put his stuff in logical places, we piled it all in this room and shut the doors. And we left it that way all summer.

Me? I get the opposite of spring cleaning. I get autumn cleaning fever hardcore right around this time of year. I think it might be because I've spent the past six or seven years moving every August/September. So I opened the doors to the office yesterday and started moving stuff around.

Now I've got a beautiful space that feels like it could be a real writing room! Not to mention half a library. And sort of a sunroom. I'm hoping I'll have everything put away sufficiently in the next two days to put up some new glorious pictures to make everyone jealous.

Monday, August 29, 2011

Ohhh myyyy goddddd

There is TOO MUCH going on in my head these days. I keep trying to write it all day and I keep failing miserably. Someone kick me.

"Write, bitch, write!"