WARNING: This post has music coming out of every orifice.
I was browsing through the latest posts on this silly girly website I like to look at (The Frisky), and saw one where they were discussing their personal "theme songs." Which obviously got me to thinking. I create theme songs like it's my job. I have them for myself, my friends, my relationships, my novels, my characters, situations or time periods in my life... Pretty much everything.
So I thought I'd share a few. Because why the hell not? If you'd like specific explanations for why - then you'll have to comment and ask.
Theme Song for My Life: Sweetness Follows by R.E.M.
Theme Song from Last Summer: Lovegame by Lady Gaga
Theme Song for D: Take It Easy by the Eagles
Theme Song for M: Postcards from Italy by Beirut
Theme Song for Rising: One Day from Pirates of the Caribbean III
Theme Song for Ariana (from Face the Flames): I Know by Jude -- yeah, I've got ones for almost every character from this book.
Theme Song for A Hunter's Fire: Gold Dust Woman by Fleetwood Mac
Theme Song for Creatures of the Wind: Mystic's Dream by Loreena Mckennitt (also this music video is awesome and I don't even play WoW)
Theme Song for My Grandparents: Memories of You by Benny Goodman
Theme Song for My Father: Handel's Messiah
Theme Song for My Mother: The Offbeat of Avenues by the Manhattan Transfer
Theme Song for My Brother: Around the World by Daft Punk
And I'd like to know if other people do this or if I'm just insane like that.
I've never actually figured out what songs connect me to people, things, moments etc., but I know I totally do it. I also commonly wish there was an actual on going soundtrack to my life. So no, you're not crazy.