Monday, April 1, 2013

Who doesn't want to go camping in April?

That's right - camping in April.


A-hem. Pardon the overly enthusiastic announcement. My life has been full of enthusiastic announcements lately, but this is the only one that's entirely about me. Today I embark on my quest to finish what I began in November, namely my novel Grave of the Goddess. By April 30, I hope to have my first draft of this YA fantasy-adventure-romance-quest-thing all piled up on my desk and ready for the red pen of doom. After that, who knows?

(Well, actually, a lot of query letters to agents and publishing houses. That's what comes after.)

So join me in camp if you have a writing project you need an extra kick to get started on. Or just come and hang around the campfire with us. The marshmallows are toasted to perfection!

Actually it's a lot like this....

And also this.... for other enthusiastic announcements, here is a brief rundown.

1) My younger brother got married! And he's having a baby! It's a girl! I'M GONNA BE AN AUNT! WITH A NIECE! Words can't express how much I already love this kid.

2) My older cousin is having twins! TWINS! And they're going to be the best nerds of all time. Woo, nerds!

3) The boy and I just got our offer accepted on a house. I'M GONNA BE A HOMEOWNER!

Holy crap. Is that enough? I don't know. Oh, and my ickle bro is graduating Army Basic like.. tomorrow. Woo hoo! Now if I could just become a full-time worker at my new job and simultaneously find a great deal on a new laptop life would be just about perfect.....

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