Wednesday, February 4, 2015

Februrary Book Photo Challenge Days 3 and 4

February Book Photo Challenge (from Books and Cupcakes)

Day Three: Made Me Cry

The Historian by Elizabeth Kostova
 - Truly amazing historical fantasy novel. It delves into the legends surrounding Dracula, but that only scratches the surface of the experience of reading it. I read this book in college and then again a few years later and it had the same emotional impact it did the first time I read it. The ending is beautiful and tragic so you know it's among my favorites of all time.

Day Four: Couldn't Put Down

The Girl Who Loved Tom Gordon by Stephen King
 - I think Stephen King is one of the greatest living American authors although he's rarely credited as such. (What's so wrong with being prolific or writing mainly horror anyway?)
 - This book is about a young girl who takes a wrong turn while out hiking with her family. The rest of the book follows her as she attempts to survive in the wilderness, and evade a nameless horror that is hunting her.
 - It's beautiful and haunting and, yeah, a bit terrifying. As with most King novels, I couldn't put it down because I was too scared not to find out what happened next!

1 comment:

  1. Excellent book i like this post very much. It is really wonderful and i can take more lesson from this
