Friday, February 5, 2010

Incessantly Needing To Ponder

I find most people of college-age have heard of the Meyers-Briggs test at some point in their life. (If not, JFGI.) I became fascinated with this bit of statistic-ry foolishness back when I was a first year university student. To the surprise of no one who knows me, I tested then, and still test now, as an INTP.

Introverted iNtutive Thinking Percieving.

Basically, this means that I really suck at maintaining social relationships (because I don't do well with emotion, but also because I simply don't care much of the time and can't really be bothered). I am analytical to a fault about almost everything in my life. I have an idiosyncratic sense of humor. Once decided, I fall swiftly and irrevocably in love - and expect my partner to put up with various oddities to boot. Competency takes precedence to repeated experience in a subject. And stupidity in others is not only sneered at, but openly mocked and prodded with what I'm sure most people would see as a measure of arrogance abnormal to decent society.

Whee! Okay, so I have exaggerated faults and deficiencies. We're all unique and wonderful snowflakes, blah blah. INTP profiles really do describe me quite well, however, and I often find myself taking shelter in their conclusions when I feel guilty and/or ashamed of something I've done in relation to other people. I only wanted to bring this up now, because I'm sure it's something I'm going to reference a lot in an attempt to explain why I do the things I do. (And this is a habit I indulge often due to my analytical nature.)

This probably helps explain why I have a need to constantly jot down my random thoughts. And my smirks and cocked eyebrows when people take pictures of me.

Really I don't think of myself as arrogant at all. Elitist to a fault, sure. Most of that is the product of my excellent childhood and education from my parents. I am an incredibly self-confident individual, and make no apologies for it. Most of the time I find it difficult to understand why other people aren't on the same level when it comes to assurance in themselves. When I get taken down a peg though, it sure smarts. Heh.

This is just a post I've been meaning to put up for awhile. There will be more notes about it later.

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