Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Theme Songs

WARNING: This post has music coming out of every orifice.

I was browsing through the latest posts on this silly girly website I like to look at (The Frisky), and saw one where they were discussing their personal "theme songs." Which obviously got me to thinking. I create theme songs like it's my job. I have them for myself, my friends, my relationships, my novels, my characters, situations or time periods in my life... Pretty much everything.

So I thought I'd share a few. Because why the hell not? If you'd like specific explanations for why - then you'll have to comment and ask.

Theme Song for My Life: Sweetness Follows by R.E.M.

Theme Song from Last Summer: Lovegame by Lady Gaga

Theme Song for D: Take It Easy by the Eagles

Theme Song for M: Postcards from Italy by Beirut

Theme Song for Rising: One Day from Pirates of the Caribbean III

Theme Song for Ariana (from Face the Flames): I Know by Jude -- yeah, I've got ones for almost every character from this book.

Theme Song for A Hunter's Fire: Gold Dust Woman by Fleetwood Mac

Theme Song for Creatures of the Wind: Mystic's Dream by Loreena Mckennitt (also this music video is awesome and I don't even play WoW)

Theme Song for My Grandparents: Memories of You by Benny Goodman

Theme Song for My Father: Handel's Messiah

Theme Song for My Mother: The Offbeat of Avenues by the Manhattan Transfer

Theme Song for My Brother: Around the World by Daft Punk

And I'd like to know if other people do this or if I'm just insane like that.

1 comment:

  1. I've never actually figured out what songs connect me to people, things, moments etc., but I know I totally do it. I also commonly wish there was an actual on going soundtrack to my life. So no, you're not crazy.
