Thursday, August 5, 2010

BTT: First Time

What is the first book you remember reading? What about the first that made you really love reading?

If I had a memory THAT good, I would have been a lot better at organic chemistry!

Some of the first books I remember reading and re-reading and re-re-reading were the Little Critter books. I recall one particular instance of showing off my read aloud skills to my cousin. I read "the cat lies in the sun" and he made fun of me by asking how the cat could possibly lie on the sun - isn't zillions of degrees?

We had a library of Scholastic books of all levels and I tore my way through all of them (several times). When I got to chapter books, I read my Judy Blume so many times that I actually corrected a babysitter who was reading them to me when she said the wrong word.

Lucky for me that love of reading runs in my family and no one ever thought this was weird. It wasn't until I got to (roughly) middle school that the other kids started being weirded out / astonished that I went through several books in the course of a week!

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