Sunday, May 15, 2011

Life Update

Best laid plans too often go awry. For weeks now I've been trying to meet up with one of my long-lost best friends and it just never seems to work out. I'm eager to see her cause we've haven't seriously gotten together in something stupid like five years. So why, Fates, why?

In other life news, the boy is actually living with me now. Excitement and wonderfulness. He was living here pretty much all the time anyway, but it's much nicer to know we actually have a "home" together. I have so many homes now. I'm just waiting for the day that I have the one home that's truly mine. Some day. I'm not in a huge hurry. But it will be nice to have a mortgage payment and a garage and a garden that I can plant whatever I want in.

Work has been sucking a lot lately - but only because the crews I work with have been stuck in a series of horrible wood lots. I'm talking about seas of one and two inch birches and poplar that have to be marked and noted in the computer, as well as surveyed. And they're all on hills that are covered in poison ivy and ticks and are impossible to flag with any kind of normal lines. Basically this means work is annoying all of us and I hate coming home in a bad mood. Hopefully we'll get through it soon and move back into residential work for awhile. In the meantime, they keep finding more and more positive trees. We've had to extend the survey zone into Auburn. This beetle is going to wreak havoc until the city gives in a cuts down all the trees.

But anyway. Soon I get to go stay with my parents for a few days in Cape Cod. I've never been there so it will be nice to have a mini vacation and see something new! I miss the weekends my mother used to wake me and my brother up and get us into the car to take us somewhere we'd never been before. I can't wait to do the same thing to my own kids.


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